speculative advertisements...
Time Wars never had a real story. I guess there may have been an idea of people from the future invading the past in order to rewrite history to ensure the survival of their culture. The irony would have been that they would fail in their attempt and history would be ultimately unchanged. The "future invaders" would effectively be egyptians, and would thus inspire the egyptian civilization of yesteryear. But overall, Time Wars was just a cool-sounding phrase and the opportunity it presented to juxtapose space-suits with egyptian architecture was just too good to pass up.
This is actually a small video, not an idea for a logo, and certainly not an idea for a game about RPGs on the PS2. Rather, it is a commercial aping Apple's indomitable "switch" commercials. This time, however, instead of comparing PCs to Macs, we are discussing being an RPG fan and owning either an XBOX or a PS2. Frankly, I think the winner is obvious.
Well, at least it's better than "Alien Cubed."
(c)2006 MJA